

The House of Poetry in Morocco

摩洛哥诗歌之家的成立日期: 独立的文化与诗歌组织,于1996年4月8日提出成立的构想。 主要目标: 摩洛哥诗歌之家致力于提升摩洛哥诗歌在文化、教育、传媒等领域的影响力,增强其在生活中的存在感。为此,摩洛哥诗歌之家对诗歌进行推介和传播,向大众提供欣赏诗歌的途径。摩洛哥诗歌之家还致力于弘扬诗人之间的友爱精神,在这个诗歌受到威胁的时代发展与诗歌的关系。 此外,诗歌之家还努力发展文化外交,旨在保障摩洛哥诗歌的国际影响力,与世界上笃信“语言的效用”的各文化机构互相联系。 摩洛哥诗歌之家的会员: 诗歌之家的会员资格不仅限于诗人,还覆盖到艺术家、作家、创作者、出版家、批评家、翻译家以及所有将诗歌作为“工作的材料”和“思考的天际”的人。 诗歌之家和“世界诗歌日”倡议: 1998年6月29日,摩洛哥诗歌之家向联合国教科文组织发起设立“世界诗歌日”的提议。联合国教科文组织积极回应该提议,并于1999年11月15日宣布,将每年的3月21日设为世界诗歌日。 诗歌之家是位于荷兰鹿特丹市的国际诗歌日网站的发起会员,并参与其各项计划的制定。 计划与活动: 摩洛哥诗歌之家在国家和阿拉伯世界两个层面组织各种文化活动和与诗歌相关的活动,代表的有: -诗歌星期六 -摩洛哥诗歌晚会 -摩洛哥批评家晚会 -科研培训班 -国际诗歌日系列庆祝活动 -诗歌之家的访客 -卡萨布兰卡国际诗歌节 -扎古拉摩洛哥非洲诗歌节 -非斯诗歌晚会 -摩洛哥阿格纳国际诗歌奖:该奖是摩洛哥唯一的国际诗歌奖项,曾有许多世界上的著名诗人获奖,如:北岛、马哈茂德·达尔维什、萨迪·优素福、伊夫·博纳富瓦、安东尼奥·加莫内达、沃克·布朗、查尔斯·西米克、塔哈尔·本·杰伦、穆罕默德·本·塔勒哈、赫瓦德、瓦迪·萨阿德等人 -发行期刊《家》、摩洛哥当代诗歌选集、诗集、批评研究等 《家》是摩洛哥诗歌之家发行的一本季刊,由诗人哈桑·纳杰米管理,批评家哈立德·白勒卡西姆任主编,至今已发行38期。本刊发行受文化部支持,提供网络电子版。 本刊定期组织摩洛哥诗歌与世界诗歌的对话,途径包括翻译策略(介绍)和介绍世界各地诗歌版图上的相关问题,以加强诗人和作家间的对话交流。 2017年7月9日举办的最近一届摩洛哥诗歌之家大会推选出了新一届执行委员会,推选诗人穆拉德·卡迪尔为诗歌之家主席,任期四年,最多连任一届。 Person in Charge: Mourad El Kadiri Official Webisite: Post Address:22/23 Sania, Bilad El-Alami, No.1 Bab Sebta, Salé city, Morocco


Malaysia Chinese Writers Association

Malaysia Chinese Writers Association is dedicated to promote the development of Malaysian Chinese literature and facilitate the communication between Chinese literature and the world. Person in Charge: TAI HSIAO HUA Post Address: NO 23 JALAN 5 TAMAN TAR 68000 AMPANG SELANGOR MALAYSIA


Khmer Writers Association

The Khmer Writers Association is an independent national institution established on March 05, 1956. In this 10th mandate, the Khmer Writers Association, led by Poet PROEUNG Pranit, has been actively and consecutively participating in social activities and training new generations of writing trainees.  Person in Charge: PROEUNG Pranit Official Post Address:KWA building at Wat Badum Wadey, Oknha Sousrun 7 St., Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. Activities: Works:


Fundación Espacios Culturales

 La fundación Espacios Culturales fue incorporada el 5 de junio del 2000 por el decreto No. 0242-00 bajo el Registro Nacional de Contribuyentes no. 4-22-00231-7, y registrada por el Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo con el No. 1,574 en fecha 26 de septiembre del año 2002.  Es el organismo auspiciador de los festivales de la Semana Internacional de la Poesía y organismo gestor en la formación de Bibliotecas Populares y talleres de Escritura Creativa.  Literary activities: Person in charge: Mateo Morrison  Official Website: Facebook: @semanaintdelapoesiaSD / Instagram: semanaintdelapoesiasd  Post Address:Av. Bolívar #353 Edif. Elams 7mo piso. Santo Domingo, D. N. República Dominicana Zip code: 10204 



Academic Publishing House DIALOG ( has been established in 1992 and since then has published over 600 titles. Academic Publishing House DIALOG is specializing mostly in all aspects of Asian – from languages and history to religion, philosophy, contemporary literature. Our authors and translators are distinguished Polish and foreign Asian Studies Scholars. We are the oldest and the top Polish publishing house publishing China-related books: scholar and scientific books about China, and fiction and non-fiction books of Chinese authors as well. We cooperate with the best Polish scholars and translators from the top Polish universities (mainly in Warsaw and Cracow).Academic Publishing House DIALOG is honored to be a host for many delegations and groups of writers and scholars from China. We meet with our Chinese Partners regularly in China and in Poland as well. Among our Partners are the most important Chinese publishing houses and cultural institutions, for example: FLTRP, CNPIEC, Chinese Writers Association, Shandong Education Press and many others.Last years as the interest in China systematically grows up in...


Emirates Literature Foundation

The Emirates Literature Foundation, home of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, was established in 2013 as a non-government, not-for-profit organisation. It nurtures a love of literature in the UAE and across the region through a year-round programme of events promoting diversity and cultural expression and varied cultural initiatives that support the four pillars of the writing community; readers, writers, publishers and librarians. Its flagship event, the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, will be celebrating its 14th year in 2022. The Festival brings writers and their stories from all around the world in an inclusive programme that champions Emirati talent and Arabic writers as well as international experts sharing new perspectives on a variety of topics. Person in Charge: Isobel Abulhoul, CEO Official Website: Post Address: Dar Al Adaab, Al Shindagha Historical Neighbourhood, P.O.Box: 24506, Dubai, U.A.E.


Aleksei Rodionov, a Russian sinologist and literary translator, gave a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, Aleksei Rodionov, a Russian sinologist and literary translator, gave a congratulatory speech to LNBR Mr Rodionov said, "At present, the BRI partners are in the need of promoting mutual understanding and consolidate trust through cultural exchanges apart from enhancing economic cooperation. In this aspect, literature plays an irreplaceable positive role. In recent years, the literature translation among BRI partners has been obviously increased, yet literature promotion still requires our constant collaborative efforts." He wishs LNBR bring benefit to the people all over the world, nourishing the amity and friendship.


You Jin, a Singaporean writer delivered a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, You Jin, a Singaporean write delivered a congratulatory speech to LNBR. She said, "The birth of  Literary Network of the Belt and Road is a piece of incredible news for literary circles. Like concentric circles, it connects everyone engages in literary creation and activities relevant to build a spiritual paradise.  As a symbol of unity and power, it is a glorious bridge of literature across the borders."