

Egyptian Writers’ Union

The Egyptian Writers’ Union is an Egyptian syndicate that is committed to protecting freedom of thought and expression, encouraging creativity, enriching cultural life, confronting extremism, violence, ugliness, racism and cultural hegemony, and boosting the culture of tolerance. It also aims at enhancing cross-cultural communication and extending bridges of dialogue with world cultures, literatures, unions and writers. Person of Charge: Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel-Hadi Offical Website: Post Address:  11 “A” Hassan Sabry St., Omar Al Khayam, Zamalek, Giza Governorate Photos of Activities:


Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL)

Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) is a premier statutory organization of the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan came into being in July 1976 as an autonomous organization, working for the promotion of Pakistani literature, literary activities and the welfare of writers’ community. In order to achieve its goal Pakistan Academy of Letters executes a wide range of literary activities throughout the calendar year i.e. such as publication of books, journals, magazines and holding/organizing of National and International conferences on various themes related to Language & Literature and coordination/liaison with international literary organizations/counterparts to provide a forum to writers, poets, scholars, students of literature and researchers to exchange their views and new research in the field. Person in Charge: Dr. Yousuf Khushk, Meritorious Prof. Official Website: Post Address: Sector H-8/1 Pitras Bukhari Road, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Egyptian Society of Comparative Literature

The Egyptian Society of Comparative Literature was founded in 1986 by Dr. Abdel Monem Telema and a group of prominent academics. The recent president is Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Hady. Since then it has held many conferences, seminars and cultural events with an aim to promote cross-cultural understanding through comparing world literature and interacting with representatives of different cultures. The Society publishes a biennial journal Muqaranat that comprises research in the field of comparative literature. Person in Charge: Prof. Dr. Alaa Abd Elhady Official Website: Post Address: 337 King Faysal st. 511 Cairo, Egypt


Sociedad de Escritores de Chile (SECH)

La SECH agrupa a los escritores chilenos o residentes en el país, defiende sus intereses, derechos de autor, los promueve en la medida de lo posible, genera innumerables actividades y presentaciones de libros durante el año, lecturas, etc. Es una organización presente a lo largo de todo el país con 19 Filiales desde Arica a Punta Arenas, (De extremo a extremo) y cuenta con una Filial también en Londres. Todos los eventos literarios más importantes del país los ha generado la SECH, desde el Premio Nacional de Literatura, la Feria del Libro, etc. Person in Charge: Roberto Rivera Vicencio Offical Website: Post Address: Casa del Escritor. Almirante Simpson Nº 7 – Providencia – Santiago - Chile



La Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Uneac), es una organización social con fines culturales y artísticos, con Estatus Consultivo II , en el Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas, con personalidad jurídica propia y plena capacidad legal que agrupa en su seno, con carácter voluntario y siguiendo el principio de selectividad a los escritores y artistas cubanos. Fue fundada el 22 de Agosto de 1961 por el Poeta Nacional Nicolas Guillén. Person in Charge: ALBERTO MARRERO FERNANDEZ., PRESIDENTE DE LA ASOCIACION DE ESCRITORES Official Website: http//: Post Address: Calle 17 esquina H. Plaza, La Habana. Cuba.

Jordanian Writers Union

The Jordanian Writers Union represents a wide segment of Jordan's intellectuals and creators and enjoys very important local, regional and international relations. Person in Charge: Mahmoud Salem Rahhal Post Address: Jordan-Amman 11196-P.O.Box 960714

Perhimpunan Penulis Tionghua Indonesia

Perhimpunan Penulis Tionghua Indonesia has 4 chapters, 10 literature fan clubs and more than 700 members all over Indonesia at the present. Person in Charge: Jeanne Laksana Official Website: Post Address: Jl.Pluit Mas V Blok E No. 8b, Jembatan III, Jakarta Utara 14450 Indonesia


Iranian Pen Society

Iranian Pen Society is the only official general organization of the literatis in Iran, including poets, authors (novelists, scriptwriters and dramatists), critics, translators, researchers and philosophers, addressing children, adolescents and adults. Person in Charge: Mohsen Parviz Official Website: Post Address: N0.360, between 44th and 46th Asadabadi avenue, Yousef Abad, Tehran, Iran.



TURKEY KOPERNİK KİTAP majors in book publishing (brochure, treathise, encyclopedia, chidren's books, text books and supplementary textbooks). Person in Charge: ABDÜLKADİR ÖZKAN Official Website: Post Address: ASMALI MESCİT NEIGHBORHOOD SYRIA PASAJI İSTİKLAL AVENUE NO:166/48 FLOOR-5 – BEYOĞLU-İSTANBUL


Tunisian Writers Union

The Tunisian Writers Union is an independent, non-governmental organization founded 50 years ago. It currently includes 1206 members of writers, each of whom has issued at least two books approved by a special committee for admission to membership within the governing body. The organization has 24 branches in all states of the Republic. At its headquarters, the organization has active literary and intellectual clubs and issues two magazines: the “Al- massar” which is a literary magazine, published every two months, and the “Hiwarat fikriya” which is an intellectual magazine published every 3 months. The organization has also two publishing and distribution houses. Our office is in the city center of the capital, Tunis, as well as a commercial leisure club. The Tunisian Writers Union is both a member of the General Union of Arab Writers, and the African and Asian Writers Union. It is also a founding member of the Arab Maghreb Writers Union, and has been at its head for three years. Person in Charge: Slaheddine Elhamadi Official Website:...