

Greetings from Pakistan Academy of Letters

During the 2023 Chinese New Year holiday season, the Literary Network of the Belt and the Road exchanged greetings with all our partners across the world. This greeting is from Dr. Yousuf Khushk, Prof. Meritorious, Chairman of the Pakistan Academy of Letters. We wish all LNBR members a very prosperous New Year of the Rabbit!

Selected Contemporary Chinese Poems

Selected Contemporary Chinese Poems

China has a long history of poetry writing and both traditional and modern poetry enjoy wide popularity for people all ages. Poetry can reflect Chinese people’s feelings about the world in a very precise and tangible way. Since 2019, the top Chinese poetry journal POETRY collaborated with Pathsharers Books from Washington D.C. to produce a Chinese-English bilingual online website named 21st Chinese Poetry, which presents the latest and widest Chinese poetry writing in English. Now all these poems are all available for free online and will be published in books in the future. CLRC Express selected a few of these poets, whose dwellings range from cities to the countryside and from bustling eastern towns to vast west deserts, who write, or ponder, or sing, or chant about the relations between history, future, humanity and nature from the deepest of their hearts. For further reading please visit: Keyword: contemporary Chinese poetry, Pathsharer Books, 诗刊社,汉诗英译 Authors: Li Shaojun, Chilechuan, Ah Xin, Bai Ma, Chen Yundong Translators: Meifu Wang, Michael Soper, Peter...


Poetry reading by Polish poet Kalina Izabela Zioła

Kalina Izabela Zioła is a female Polish poet, literary critic and translator. She has published 14 collections of poems. The poems have been seen in many magazines, anthologies and yearbooks in Poland and abroad. She has translated 8 collections of Russian poems into Polish. Her works have also been translated into German, Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, French, Greek and other languages. She has won many literary awards in Poland, Armenia, Macedonia and other countries. She specially sent a video congratulation to the Literary Network of Belt and Road, and recited three poems to express her gratitude to Chinese readers and translators. Video congratulation to the Literary Network of Belt and Road Chopin w Pekinie Chopin w Pekinie w złoto-jesiennym Pekinie siedziałam na lotnisku jeszcze nie całkiem przytomna po nazbyt krótkim śnie z głośników cicho płynęła dyskretna lekka muzyka wokół tłoczyli się ludzie a ja pisałam wiersz i nagle usłyszałam takt znajomej melodii słynny mazurek Chopina wplótł się w rozmyślań bieg poczułam się jak w domu jakby nagle przyjaciel na twardej...


Tai Hsiao Hua, the president of Malaysia Chinese Writers Association, delivered a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, Tai Hsiao Hua, the president of Malaysia Chinese Writers Association, delivered a congratulatory speech to LNBR. She congratulated the Chinese Writers Association’s LNBR initiative. She hoped that it can exert its powerful influence to help inherit and develop the diversity, uniqueness and commonality of civilizations in various countries, and to promote mutual learning and cultural exchange. It is helpful to promote world peace and harmony among all nations.


Denon Lim Denan, the president of Singapore Association of Writers, delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, Denon Lim Denan, the president of Singapore Association of Writers, delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR. On behalf of all directors and members of the Singapore Association of Writers and Singaporean literary friends, Denon Lim Denan wished the LNBR initiated by the Chinese Writers Association to be prosperous. He sincerely hoped that the newly established LNBR will continue to uphold the spirit of co-prosperity, win-win, and harmonious progress, and promote friendly cooperation and literary exchanges in multiple directions and at multiple levels, so as to make the world after the epidemic better and more exciting.


Eugen Uricaru, the president of Copyro Association Romania delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, Eugen Uricaru, the president of Copyro Association Romania delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR. His speech is as follows: Dear colleagues, dear friends I am pleased to send the greetings of Copyro’s members  and also  of  Copyro’s Management, and a successful wish for this first meeting of great importance and for the future work, hoping for a long cooperation, with excellent results, between the writers and the participating organizations. We believe that the initiative of the Chinese Writers  Association is one of those acts full of generosity and courage that ensures a better knowledge of the culture of our peoples and a future of this mutual knowledge. It is an essential element in the process of building the future world in which values are appreciated and respected, supported and disseminated to the general public. Humanity can only move forward if it will  know how to embrace all cultural values,  of all peoples. Economic ties cannot be established or developed if nations do not know each other through cultural exchanges....


Petko T. Hinov, a Bulgarian literary translator, delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR

Recently, Petko T. Hinov, a Bulgarian literary translator, delievered a congratulatory speech to LNBR. MPetko T. Hinov sincerely hopes that the LNBR will gather more literary talents in the “Belt and Road” countries and hold literary exchange activities, so that more people will have a deeper understanding of China from the cultural aspect. At the end, he also quoted a famous sentence from ancient Chinese classics: "Mountaineers are close to the water, although thousands of miles are far away, who dares not to come." He expressed his earnest hope for the cultural exchange activities that the LNBR will bring.