Gala Uzryutova is a Russian poet, writer and playwright. She also works as the program coordinator of Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature.
Her works include:
《Turned around, and there was a forest》, poetry book (Russian Gulliver Publishing house, Moscow, – 2015);
《The snow I missed》, short prose book (Bookscriptor, Moscow, – 2018);
《Sasha Country》, Young Adult book (KompasGuide Publishing house, Moscow – 2019).
《All the names are occupied, and one is vacant》, poetry chapbook in English, translated by Canadian poet Stuart Ross and the author, Proper Tales Press, Cobourg
Literary Awards:
• Winner of the Moscow Modern Art Museum “Garage” contest on self-isolation texts and visual materials (2020)
• Laureate of the Russian-Italian literary prose award “Rainbow” (Verona, Italy, 2019)
• Scholar of the Goethe-Institut “Culture on the Move” Programme (2019)
• Laureate of the European Theater Translation Network drama contest Eurodram (2018)
• Laureate of the Prose literary award Bookscriptor 2018
• Diplomat of the literary award named after Dmitry Gorchev (2017)
• Laureate of the International drama contest «Badenweiler 2016»
• Laureate of the Blagov poetry award (2016)
• Finalist of the Russian-Italian literary award Rainbow (2015, 2017, 2018)
• Laureate of the special poetic award «Russian Gulliver-2014»
Personal Website:

Part of Gala Uzryutova’s works