Members (Group)


Singapore Association of Writers

The Singapore Association of Writers (SAW) was officially formed on 1 August 1970. It is the longest existing as well as the largest registered Chinese literary association in Singapore, actively promotes creative literature works and research in literature theory, so as to enhance the literary standard of Singapore. It serves as an established network for the writers in Singapore and to provide a platform for unity in accelerating the development of new talents with quality literary works. The Association is consistently interacting with writers, scholars and researchers from other countries, to promote the homegrown literary products (fiction, poetry and prose) with the Southeast Asia characteristic and gained recognition internationally. Person in Charge: Denon Lim Denan Official Website: Post Address: 13-B, Smith Street, Singapore 058927


Nepal Academy

Nepal Academy is a premier national institution devoted to the promotion of languages, literature, culture, philosophy and social sciences of Nepal, research and creative writing and the overall development of cultural and intellectual fields by bringing together and coordinating national and international activities. This Academy was established in 1957(2014 B.S.) in the name of Nepal Academy of Literature and Art. It was named as Royal Nepal Academy after the promulgation Royal Nepal Academy Act 1974. After transformation of Nepal into Democratic Federal Republic, it was named as Nepal Academy as per the provision of Nepal Academy Act 2007 enacted by the Nepalese parliament. Person in Charge: Ganga Prasad Uprety Official Website: Post Address: Nepal Academy, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Post Box No. 23058, G.P.O. Kathmandu


The Chinese Writers Association of Phillipines

菲律宾华文作家协会(以下简称菲华作协)成立于1996年5月,致力于通过举办各种文学活动,鼓励菲华文学创作,推动菲华文学发展。在华文报编辑出版《薪传》周刊与《诗菲华》月刊。曾在马尼拉主办《亚细安华文文艺营》、联办在厦门举行的《东南亚华文文学研讨会》等区域活动。现任负责人为一民会长。 Person in Charge:一民会长 Post Address:18D, Citic Tower, 88 Banawe St., corner Don Manuel St., Quezon City,Philippines.


General Union For Palestinian Writers

General Union For Palestinian Writers is a non-governmental, non-profit national cultural institution with independent legal personality, with its own purposes and principles. The Palestine Writers Union is one of the basic nongovernmental organizations of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine, based on the principles of the State of Palestine. The Palestinian Writers Union was established in 1966 and has its own rules and regulations. Person in Charge:Murad Sudani Official Facebook: