Vivian Lavín
Vivian Lavín is a Chilean Writer and Literary Agent. She writes interviews and botanical chronicles. Her works include: Vuelan las...
Vivian Lavín is a Chilean Writer and Literary Agent. She writes interviews and botanical chronicles. Her works include: Vuelan las...
The Singapore Association of Writers (SAW) was officially formed on 1 August 1970. It is the longest existing as well...
Dimitrios Sotakis, a Greek novelist, currently works for Kedros Publishing. Representative works include The Miracle of Breathing, The Big Servant...
Ganga Prasad Uprety is a Nepaali Academician and the chancellor of Nepal Academy. His works include: Visit to America (Travelogue,...
Nepal Academy is a premier national institution devoted to the promotion of languages, literature, culture, philosophy and social sciences of...
阿伊莎·巴斯利,诗人、小说家。法国国际批评家协会(AICL)会员,摩洛哥诗歌之家会员,摩洛哥作协会员,并担任各类文学评委会成员。在摩洛哥和阿拉伯世界发表多篇文章。她曾获得阿尔及利亚亚辛小说国际奖(2016)、法国西蒙·兰特里女性诗歌奖(2017)、小说《没有我的生活》获沙迦国际书展最佳阿拉伯小说奖(2018),并受到联合国日内瓦办事处表彰,称其为“首部探讨战争强奸和女性所遭苦难等主题的阿拉伯小说”(2019年1月)。作品被翻译成法语、英语、西班牙语、意大利语等多种外语。曾参加多个研讨会和会议,受邀出席阿拉伯国家和世界各国举办的文化节和展会。 已出版作品: 长篇小说: 《丝绸之夜》(两版),开罗:阿拉伯图书出版社,2013 《葛丽泰·嘉宝的孙女们》(两版),开罗:埃及黎巴嫩出版社,2015 《没有我的生活》(两版),开罗:阿拉伯图书出版社,2018 《仿佛一具侦探小说里的尸体》,开罗:埃及黎巴嫩出版社,2020 短篇小说: 《樱桃少女》(小说集),开罗:埃及黎巴嫩出版社,2017 诗集: 《傍晚》,摩洛哥,2001 《天使不眠》,摩洛哥,2002 《熄灭的窗台》,摩洛哥,2004 《转瞬即逝的夜》(两版),黎巴嫩,2007 《飞鸟的孤独》,叙利亚,2010 《渴望中的泅渡者》,摩洛哥,2015 《炉边谈话》(艺术作品集,与艺术家阿卜杜拉·哈里里合作),法国,2007 《秋天,我的朋友》(艺术作品集,与艺术家穆罕默德·比纳尼合作),摩洛哥,2009 《海的娇娘》(少年儿童诗),摩洛哥,2015 《多彩的宽恕》(少年儿童诗,并附有意大利艺术家萨曼莎·马拉瓦西的绘图),摩洛哥,2016...
菲律宾华文作家协会(以下简称菲华作协)成立于1996年5月,致力于通过举办各种文学活动,鼓励菲华文学创作,推动菲华文学发展。在华文报编辑出版《薪传》周刊与《诗菲华》月刊。曾在马尼拉主办《亚细安华文文艺营》、联办在厦门举行的《东南亚华文文学研讨会》等区域活动。现任负责人为一民会长。 Person in Charge:一民会长 Post Address:18D, Citic Tower, 88 Banawe St., corner Don Manuel St., Quezon City,Philippines.
Gala Uzryutova is a Russian poet, writer and playwright. She also works as the program coordinator of Ulyanovsk UNESCO City...
General Union For Palestinian Writers is a non-governmental, non-profit national cultural institution with independent legal personality, with its own purposes...
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